Šumska škola
E - biblioteka
Ovde možete pronaći zanimljiva i poučna iskustva drugih ljudi i škola i drugih NVO organizacija koje se bave pitanjem obrazovanja, koji su nam poslužili su nam kao učitelji, inspiracija i vodilje u stvaranju pedagoškog pristupa Šumske škole.
Cilj E-biblioteke je da vremenom sabere sve relevatne izvore o različitim pedagoškim pristupima baziranim na slobodi deteta i odgovornošću deteta za svoj edukativni proces, i time služi kao baza znanja u ovoj i sličnim oblastima.
Korisni sajtovi
Dokumentarni, informativni, kratko i dugometražni
Self-directed education
Peter Gray
Democratic Education
Sprouts organisation
Changing Education paradigms
Sir Ken Robinson
Nature's Classrom
Documentary on
Montessori method
in French kindergarten
Let the child
be your guide
Documentary on
Montessori method
in French kindergarten
Forest schools & risky play
Tennessee Forest kindergarten
Marlene Power
A unique education
Brockwood Park school
J. Krishnamurti
Transforming schools into democratic communities
Ecole Dynamique
Ramin Fahrangi
Why schools kill creativity
Ted talk
Sir Ken Robinson
The decline
of play
Ted talk
Peter Gray
Schools of trust
Capriole, Frieburg, Germany
What is Montessori?
Method, Toys, Environment
The school
as community
Ted talk
Sean O'Donnell
A typical day
in self-directed learning
Alpine Valley School
Agile Learning centers
Ted talk
Eric Bear
Sudbury Valley School
Massachusetts, US
Daniel Greenberg
Raising Connected children
Gabor Mate
Reinventing organisations
Frederic Laloux
The Montessori Method
Autor: Maria Montessori
Sudbury Valley School
Autor: Daniel Greenberg
Slobodna deca Samerhila
Autor: Alexandar A.S. Niell
Growing the Forest school from the roots up
Autor: Forest Schools Association
Creating inovators
Autor: Tony Wagner & Tina Payne Bryson
No - drama discipline
Autor: Daniel J.Siegel &
More beautiful world our hearts know is possible
Autor: Charles Eisenstein
Reinventing organisations
Autor: Frederic Laloux